
Microsoft's CEO, will be financed by $ 500 million to buy the Sacramento Kings

On January 9, according to a Reuters report, vehicle dvr Yahoo Sports reported on Wednesday, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Hedge Fund Manager Chris Hansen (Chris Hansen) consisting of a consortium, has invested 500 million US dollarsvehicle dvr to purchase NBA team Sacramento Kings close to reaching an agreement, and plan a relocation of the team to Seattle.

Yahoo Sports cited sources as saying that the current owner of the Sacramento Kings Maalouf (Maloof) family has been near agreed to sell thecar dvr team to the consortium led by Ballmer, Ballmer want to 2013-14 before the start of the season the team moved to Seattle. Reuters could not immediately confirm the accuracy of the reporting.

Yahoo Sports reported, as part of the proposed transaction, the Sacramento Kings in the former Seattle supersonic team's home arena--key (KeyArena) completed two games of the season, then moved to the new arena constructed using public funds.

Ballmer, speaking on NBA and Hansen's per capita declined to comment.

The Sacramento Kings did not immediately respond to a request to comment car dvron this message by telephone or e-mail. Seattle officials told Reuters, they already know the rumors, but it is not appropriate to comment. In 2008, the former Seattle supersonic team moved to United States Oklahoma and renamed ekelahemaleiting so that Seattle lost its NBA team. At that time, the Seattle supersonic team officials did not support construction plans for the new arena, the supersonic team's boss was entirely unsatisfactory.

Foxconn's explosive high-rise collective corruption have been reported on both sides of the police investigation

Accordingmobile dvr to the news agency in 9th report: Taiwan "OEM Volvo" Gou 9th cover, in charge of one of the world's largest contract electronic product factory of Foxconn (02038-HK) outbreak of collective corruption of senior cadres, and car dvr involved agents of the company includes leading international companies in the Mainland. Message it is Foxconn's Taiwanese senior cadres have been accredited to the Mainland public security authorities detained more than a month.

9th through parent company Hon Hai Foxconn Group (2317-TW) issued an urgent statement, said the report "most from the truth", but said the Group Chairman has instructed, will strictly check fraud personnel and reason, and to review the relevant measures. Hon Hai vehicle dvr spokesman Xing Zhiping 9th admits, there are unscrupulous employees in the areas of procurement irregularities for favoritism, on both sides of the case has been referred to the police investigation.

Allegedly, Hon Hai Group Executive General Manager and business long Li Jinming several months ago, received together with the book's letter, pointed out that within the SMT (Surface Mount Technology, surface mount technology Committee) long bribery to manufacturers, involving nearly 40 suppliersmobile dvr of equipment, raw materials, including internationally renowned manufacturers.

According to reports, SMT Technical Committee within the Hon Hai is known as "number one", not only in charge of procurement, resource scheduling, allocation, holding even suggested to assess students behaved. By yuhonghai production line equipment depreciation 1 time every 5 years, therefore, SMT can handle considerable cases every year, last year handled the procurement of up to billions of Yuan, this power was used to vendors for bribes.

Reports that the prosecution of SMT Director-General Manager Deng Zhixian, Deng responsible for the solicitation and distribution of bribes, therecar dvr master Dai Zhengwu and Vice Chairman Liao Wancheng, retired former Vice President Liao Wancheng most suspected. After the outbreak, since September Deng was detained by the Public Security Bureau in Shenzhen, were outgoing Liao quickly flew back to Taiwan, like other Chen Zhichuan abandonment of post is a Senior Manager, SMT Engineering Manager You Jian also resigned. Allegedly, he heard of wrath, indicating set up an ad hoc team to thoroughly investigate the incident, has been part of "the most trustworthy Ministers" have also been "appointee", including the Hon Hai Group Vice President in charge of human resources he youcheng was ordered to retire, his son believed to be bribing SMT suppliers.

March 15, Microsoft officially closed except for MSN China

Beijing January 9 mobile dvr messages this afternoon, Microsoft on Tuesday to the Windows Messenger Live (MSN) user notification, the product will cease to provide services to most users on March 15.

According to Sina technology reported,car dvr Microsoft announced in November last year, will soon stop using Windows Messenger Live, instead focusing on developing its October 2011 acquisition of Skype.

Said: "on March 15, 2013, in addition to mainland China, we will shut down the world's existing Messenger services and excellent features integration with Skype and Messenger together. Upgrade Skype and use the Microsoft account (same as your Messenger ID), your Messenger contacts will be displayed. You can connect with them in as before instant messaging or video chat, mobile phones and tablet computers, you can explore new vehicle dvr ways of keeping in touch with Skype. ”

Skype executives said in October last year, Skype is the next most likely to replace the Messenger service, but he declined to disclose a timetable. According to a blog in November last year, this conversion will be completed in the first quarter of 2013.

Skype last year started in October to test the new Windows and Mac software, allows users to sign in with Windows Live ID, and you can send and receive instant messages, and viewing users to use mobile dvrLive Messenger, Xbox, Hotmail or status information for Outlook.com.

After migrating from Messenger to Skype, users can send and receive instant messages using Skype, video chat, you can also make phone calls, screen sharing, and video calls through the phone.


The main passive safety:


Soft protection: passive safety refers to the car after the accident in the vehicle occupant protection, and today the concepts of protection and extends to all the people inside and outside the vehicle or object. International automotive world for passive safety has had very detailed test requirements, so some extent and passive safety is quantifiable. But this different companies had different stressed the sides. Research has shown that, in road traffic accidents, most of the energy is absorbed by the body. In this way under the guidance of vehicle occupant protection when a collision occurs mainly through burst reduction implementation of car-body structure, through a predetermined folds of the permanent deformation, can absorb impacts most. Taking the car's lightweight design trend, "soft protection" does look very economic, but collision based on standardized test results are not able to cover all emergency vehicle accidents, so in extreme safety of these vehicles in accidents or are pending further research.

Hard protection group: the visual impression of the people, as thick as possible hard, the car body steel plate structure the stronger, deformation in case of accidents also becomes smaller, security is naturally high. Indeed, the same size car collisions with each other, "weight" often has advantages. In the eyes of many consumers, Germany cars as the representative of the European cars are "hard protective" representatives.

Equipment: one of the latest progress of the modern automotive industry, is the number of new electronic equipment are effectively applied to vehicle safety systems. To intelligent airbag for cases, in General balloon of Foundation Shang increased has sensor, can detection out seat Shang of crew is children also is adults, they Department good of seat belt and by Department of location is how of height? through collection these data, by computer software analysis and processing control airbag of expansion, makes its play best role, avoid airbag appears no necessary of expansion, to great to improve its security role. Traditional air bag only vehicle occupant protection, new cars will be greater focus on people, vehicles and the integration of environment, so the pedestrian safety will also become one of the factors considered by the automotive designer. Some experts pointed out that future air bag might be along the contour of the hood above the bumper, a collision can provide adult pedestrians, high build with abdominal and hip protection, for both children and adults of short stature with head and chest protection. In addition safety glass: toughened glass and laminated glass combination. Of tempered glass crushing split into many sharp edges when small pieces easily cuts. Laminated glass there are 3 middle tier toughness and adhesion, impact damaged inner and outer still stuck to an intermediate layer, difficult cuts.ADD621 Automotive Compression Gauge
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Safety analysis of passive safety technology

First, what is passive safety: passive safety refers to the car after the accident in the vehicle occupant protection, and today the concepts of protection and extends to all the people inside and outside the vehicle or object. International automotive world for passive safety has had very detailed test requirements, so some extent and passive safety is quantifiable.

Passive safety devices, was in a car accident accident vehicle was out of the situation, take the passive protection of personnel, through fixtures, cabin crew, seated in a safe location and use of guidance on the structure and break shrinkage, try to absorb impact forces, ensure the safety of cabin crew.ADD621 Automotive Compression Gauge
ADD600 Automotive Digital Fuel Pressure Tester
ADD500 Automotive Needle Fuel Pressure Tester
8708 Pocket Digital Hygro-Thermometer
ADD802 A/C Pocket Digital Thermometer
1323 Infrared Themometer
ADD510 Mini Infrared Themometer
ADD8850 Automotive Professional Infrared Thermometer
ADD501A Antifreeze/Battery Refructometer
ADD501 Antifreeze/Battery Refructometer
ADD9000A Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools KIT
ADD9000 Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools KIT
ADD5000 Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools KIT

Constitutes characteristics of vehicle assembly problems

Constitutes characteristics of vehicle assembly problems, it in our key components approach car engine, gearboxes, bridges, body, these four major equipment comprising three parts while imports deemed to car imports. A car assumes that 10,000 dollars, body 20%, engine 17%, gearbox, 10% front and rear axles, 10% from price has for more than about 70%. Other core technologies, assembling also caused confusion to the market, are not within specifications for production, related to personal health and safety, vehicle safety and other issues.

But why do we always battled failure? Hear lawsuits beat, I think it ridiculous. We have been talking about this in the past, where we can justify this issue. You know, Germany in the United States can do while the cars of three piece? I asked the United States, one of which does not hear, you must set up factories in him. Why don't we take the way out?

What technologies are controlled as well as Americans closely marked, he controlled even scrap auto mould, after 10 years to be able to export. So this case beat, I think we should not. Are Americans using the WTO to find Chinese, why use of this rule? Because there was a safeguard. I think that accession to the WTO, not in order to obtain title, was a member, joining the WTO is a central policy decisions, is the result of the efforts of several generations later, we finally went in. Is our country for the purpose of that spirit of participation.

Course aim is free trade, mode of operation is in accordance with the rules to do, but let us look at the European Union, Japan and the United States, do they follow the rules? They basically take the rules seriously. I talked to United States GE company boss, who was on the WTO, he said you just leave them, I never consider what rule does not rule, my business to see if you can sell something, can we all markets, this is the view of the enterprise. But we now rules did a lack of response measures, how to use the rules to protect our markets? Instead, the temptation to rule us all liberalised market. Can say that China is the model for compliance with WTO rules, but we as the model for its use? Many countries have been as bad boy, you became a model for later, Brazil and other countries to do, we are developing, you put down so fast, they do? These issues are worthy of criticism.

Automobile market is very weak this year, and own-brand cars are out of Beijing market, 4S shops cancelled, why? Because rocker, sell them at a later time, a lot of it went out of business. Now some companies are reducing production, face great difficulties. Brands cannot be sold, there are backlogs. Should hand this case countries? Their products or not to export? GM, Chrysler can't survive when the financial crisis, United States Government did not release them? Capitalist countries can do, why could not Chinese.

There's no money in the past, when we engage in Faw, two steam, SAIC, in the open when the Prime Minister's Office, said above is book three days out, Chen Jianguo, Chen in Beijing and I retreat for three days and three nights in the Office, out of six tables. All three car plants need 18 billion yuan, State financing of all in the Planning Commission, in the machinery industry, mechanical industry not only cars, machine tools, power equipment, instrumentation, these industries are the money, in the end the car industry more than 4 billion, this money simply can't figure out. Later, we find ways to make second automobile factory of Faw. Audi, and joint ventures, technology, later Chery has come out.

In the hands of the market in control of who determines the survival and development of State enterprises, there is no doubt. People say I'm too pessimistic, I do not speak a little pessimistic, such as Faw, after all, get out of the four types of engines. A few days ago I went to the Faw, a 12-cylinder, 6-, 8-cylinder, 4-cylinder of four models, emissions meet Euro IV and Euro v standard, fully mounted on our car. Faw they should free hand to do their own thing now, in addition to taxes, leaving some of their own, like how to expand their production capacity, increase market share now, is actually to the foreigner for the wedding clothes. Blind expansion of production capacity are now encouraged by foreigners, this is a problem.

Then a question, we could engage in a joint venture between autonomous, the joint venture is a joint venture, independent are independent, the partnership joint venture of the so-called independent, intellectual property rights of aliens in half, with our half, that's not our own, he is autonomous depress the real domestic product through joint ventures, so as to occupy China market.

So we conclude anniversary of the accession to the WTO on the car industry, because in the ten years of negotiations of a car is always critical. Until the last, we release the car market, also speak of a transition period, how many years you want to keep, when completely cancelled. Fell from 15 years to ten years, fell from ten years to eight years, fell from eight years to five years, retire step by step. Finally made it five-year transition period, and then all let go. And this piece has also been completely liberalized registration administration.1323 Infrared Themometer
ADD510 Mini Infrared Themometer
ADD8850 Automotive Professional Infrared Thermometer
ADD501A Antifreeze/Battery Refructometer
ADD501 Antifreeze/Battery Refructometer
ADD9000A Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools KIT
ADD9000 Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools KIT
ADD5000 Automotive Digital Diagnostic Tools KIT


Wire wrapped around

Wire wrapped around memories into my fingertip, forged three lives with you not forgetting fetters, was one of peace and prosperity by years of vicissitudes the Fireworks, not you, who also will partner by my side. Only in the night sky in the Meteor made a wish, wish you well, and then gently whispers floating water flow in the light of smiling people, I put my hand on the chest, you know, pledged as the wind, in the year. We had missed each other floating life.
Then, slowly, slowly, love to walk. Go straight down, can't bear to see you leave traces of tilt in the Sun, blue sky, with a 45 degree attitude, meet that belongs to my pride, you ain't here by my side, let the little pride, with me, without you accompanied me through the years.
Go backward, a person's shadow, a man alone and let sorrow, counter-current River.

The second, memories, let love tears

Silent heart without words, thought difficult to Ogata, on the offering of tea, and is silent, relies on the Windows, and view e of the night.
Cloud recruiting days, Ran Guang flashing neon decorated with blank, put the stars into the rain, extend into a star, isolate the magpie bridge. Looking at the immense Star Trek, as if vaguely see chronological, Cowherd alone keep Han Chuang Moon point shenque, Vega of afterlife waiting for dawn, only a midnight melancholy prime of youth falls, two Star again, who can then hold your hand, give the warmth of love. In the years that ren Tan and let your missing, goes on my Palm, Acacia, wander in the endless stars. We hope that you, hereafter.